Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Welcome Matt Owen to the Venture North Aviation, LLC Team

Welcome aboard Matt Owen - (CFII) - Cirrus Standardized Instructor - To The Venture North Aviation Team!

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Venture North Aviation News!

 Congratulations Dan on completing your FAA Commercial Pilot - Instrument Rating!
with Venture North Aviation, LLC - Great Job!

Congratulations Stephan on  finishing your FAA Private Pilot Certificate and completing 10 Day Cirrus Aircraft Instrument Rating Course with Venture North Aviation, LLC. Great Job!!

Congratulations Peter on completing the 5 Day Private Pilot Conversion and the 10 Day Cirrus Accelerated Instrument Rating Course in Cirrus Aircraft.
Nice Looking New Cirrus Airplane!

Congratulations Hans on completing the 10 Day Accelerated Cirrus Instrument Rating Course and earning your wings in the Cirrus Aircraft.  Hans owns a NEW Cirrus Perspective Aircraft!

Congratulations Jan-Peter and Steven (International Sales Directors for Cirrus Aircraft) on completing your FAA Initial CFI and CFII Instructor Ratings!

Done - Jan-Peter says! with his initial Flight Instructor Certificate - Great Job!

Venture North Aviation News!

Congratulations Matt Thomas on your new Cirrus Perspective and completing the 10 Day Instrument Rating Course with Venture North Aviation - We Need A Picture:)!

Venture North Aviation Hosts FAA Safety Seminar and The Princeton Automated FSS Director at the Cloquet / Carlton County Airport. Thanks to all 42 people who attended!

Venture North Aviation News!

June 2011: Congratulations Adam Salo - Right - on your (1st Solo) Yippeee! 
Adam is on his way towards earning his Private pilot certificate:)